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Welcome, so glad you are here.
We are thrilled you would consider joining our writing community by sharing on the Companioning Center's weekly blog. We are a diverse group of writers who also companion others in various capacities. In bringing together a variety of voices, our desire is to hear the thread of Love's underlying voice. We are listeners who speak to fellow listeners.
We hope that through our collaborative process, your writing about spiritual formation will broaden both of our audiences. We want our readers to be your readers and your readers to be our readers, all benefiting from a community of resources designed to meet the needs of a diverse Spiritual Companioning community. We welcome your use of past work or simultaneously published work on your blog.
We have developed some guidelines to assist you in the writing process while also meeting the content needs of our readers.
Writing Guidelines
Topics: Spiritual Formation topics for those who walk alongside others.
Soul care
Prayer Experiences
Helpful tools for working with others in spiritual formation
Finding God in the ordinary flow of our life
Spiritual practices and anything around living out our spirituality
Writing Style: Our writing and post style is invitational, contemplative, compassionate, experiential, with a posture of walking alongside. Many or our readers use these posts as devotional and educational.
Reading Level: 8th-grade with resources properly cited or notated.
Reading Level: 8th-grade with resources properly cited or notated.
Blog Length: 600-900 words
Images: Provide 1-2 images to support the content of your blog, our editor can help in this process (Free options: unsplash.com or pixabay.com).
Submission date: Two weeks before the publishing date unless arranged ahead of time. If you are unable to meet the deadline, please provide a three-week notice so we may find another writer to take your spot.
Submitting blog for publication: Email blog in a Word, Pages, or Google document along with the 1-2 images by the submission date.
The Companioning Center reserves the right to edit, schedule, and to not post your writing for any reason. We will notify you of any of these changes via email.
If you have any further questions about these guidelines, please email Melodie at blog@companioningcenter.org
If you would like to join us, please submit your application to be considered as a guest blogger below.
Submission date: Two weeks before the publishing date unless arranged ahead of time. If you are unable to meet the deadline, please provide a three-week notice so we may find another writer to take your spot.
Submitting blog for publication: Email blog in a Word, Pages, or Google document along with the 1-2 images by the submission date.
The Companioning Center reserves the right to edit, schedule, and to not post your writing for any reason. We will notify you of any of these changes via email.
If you have any further questions about these guidelines, please email Melodie at blog@companioningcenter.org
If you would like to join us, please submit your application to be considered as a guest blogger below.