Building Your Field of Dreams: For Such a Time as This
Building a Deeper Belief in You
As though God is saying, ‘I have more for you, Beloved. Do not settle. Do not live a little life. There is so much more for you to experience. Do not settle for an inch less.’
This deep, inner restlessness is called Divine Discontent. A persistent, loving nudge that guides me to awaken to my own true desires.
To put into words the dream that my mind has already built.
Grow. Grow. Grow. Become. Become. Become. All I can be. There is something wonderful and majestic in me—something beyond my wildest dreams.
I contain much, much more than I know. God has endowed me with beauty, wonder, and unlimited potential for expression.
There is something in me that is yearning for greater expression. Each of us is much greater than our current expression of ourselves.
Hearing Your Call
Accepting the treasure of the True Self that I already possess. A voice ‘in here’ calling me to be the person I was born to be, to fulfill the original selfhood given me at birth by God.
What is the thread of purposefulness that runs through my life?
What underlying role do I return to play again and again?
How am I allowing my life to ‘speak’ these days?
God calls anyone with ears to hear.
Vocation is about who I am and who I am called to become.
Vocation is the recognition that God has a claim on my life and calls me to participate in the continuing transformation of the world.
A calling is made possible by intellectual and personal gifts shaped by the historical moment and the crossing of self and society.
Growing the Dream
‘There is no planet, sun or star that could hold you if you but knew who you are.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson.
If you are still breathing, God still has plans for you.
‘The people who get in on this world are those who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they cannot find them, make them.’ George Bernard Shaw
Step outside my safe, little world and break through my self-imposed barriers. God is not the one limiting me.
Open my mind and triumphantly roar, celebrating the possibilities that exist within me.
It is always too early to abandon hope.
Deep within me, my life, my divine pattern, is urging me to express myself. Practice listening. Soul’s sensing will lead me to my dream.
What is distracting me from my dream?
Suppose my dream was not impossible. What would be the first thing I would do?
And the next thing? And so on…
If I did not believe it was impossible, what would I do?
What will my dream look like when it comes to fruition?
I have been given the capacity to grow whatever life I choose.
God’s gift of inspiration may reveal itself only one idea at a time. God reveals the next step as I advance. I am constantly moving one step closer to my greater self.
My current dream will lead me to even greater dreams if I am willing to take each step as it appears.
Support that I cannot create for myself will come to me through my willingness to be guided by God, to go to the edge of the light I can see, and take another step.
It can feel uncomfortable to stretch and grow. Acknowledge fear. Accept her as my companion, not my master.
The knowing Voice of God persistently nudges me in the direction of my highest good, by way of the path that often confounds the logical mind.
No one can cut open my cocoon for me because it is through the struggle that I develop the strength to fly free.
The greatest impact comes not from achieving my dream, but from awakening to the person I become as I step into it.
The field is ready. The seed is good. Your life is willing. Plant, my friend. Your harvest is assured.
Building Your Field of Dreams. By Mary Manin Morrissey.
Practicing Your Path: A Book of Retreats for an Intentional Life. By Holly W. Whitcomb
Laura Lies
Seven years ago, Laura launched a new Spiritual Direction practice. Now, supporting a full-time practice of over 35 clients, publishing over 85 blog posts, and welcoming over 40 thousand unique visitors to the website, through her new online course: How to Get More Clients for your Spiritual Direction Business, she shares the steps and resources that have been the most helpful in building her private practice.