Out on the Wild Frontier: Vocation…
Jan 11
Deborah Loyd
So many changes are upon us! Who would have known a year ago what we would be dealing with now… a pandemic, economic ‘surprises’, a heightened cry for justice, political instability, everyday culture turned on its head… businesses closing, schools closing, movie theaters, sports teams, and even the airlines, all having to retool their modus operandi.
Have you ever wondered how we can survive in such uncertainty?
The uncertainty has taken more than a corporate toll on our country. It has taken a personal toll too. Auto pilot works until there is a major disruption. And if this time in history can be described in a word, it would be disruption.
Here is some good news! Disruption and uncertainty are good for us. In fact, they are likely the formula for the adventure of a lifetime out on the wild frontier. The pioneers never knew exactly where they were going but they did know that the unknown was less of a threat to their existence than staying in their quiet lives of desperation.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Your life is not as satisfying as you had hoped. You question if the work you are doing is something you love. Your heart is stirred when you see specific people groups hurting. You are curious to learn if there is more in this life for you.
Now is the time for you to re-evaluate your work and purpose in life. And I am here to help you retool your modus operandi to uncover what is next for you. I am passionate about helping people live in the flow of their passion and their giftings.
Join me at the Companion Center. I am hosting the class, Your Vocation: Out on the Wild Frontier. It’s a great class with lots of hands-on learning. You will discover Your Vocational Credo along with so much more.
In the course you will:
Discover your core motivations for doing good by exploring your story:
Write your own Vocational Credo, a declaration of your purpose and calling.
Uncover your toxic skills and determine how to avoid getting caught in a job that demands the things that you do well but they do not bring you joy.
Build a support system to help with career decision making.
Learn what to say “yes” to and what to say “no” to when opportunities come your way.
Begin the process of ordering your life so that it will become what you want it to be.
This class is important because when we know sooner what we are meant to do we can lead with the passion God created us to experience. People follow those with passion, it is inevitable.
As followers of Jesus, we call ourselves people of redemption, people of restoration, or people of the resurrection. But there is no restoration without a catastrophe, no redemption without an offense, and no resurrection without a death. We have all experienced this.
God made us so that our deepest callings come from the place where pain has ravaged us and the Holy Spirit has also healed. What others meant to harm you, God could use for good. Our pain is meant to be redeemed into our strongest purpose. Purpose inspires passion. Passion leads to vocation. Vocations heals the world!
Join me on a journey to the wild frontier and see where it leads you. Take the risk of journeying into the dark corners of your story to find the gold God has for you in those places. Let’s dream together and then get some boots on the ground towards your future!
Deborah Loyd
Deborah Koehn Loyd is a life/vocational coach, professor, speaker and writer who lives in Portland Oregon with her husband, Ken. She teaches at Warner Pacific University and Portland Seminary. Deborah wrote Your Vocational Credo (InterVarsity Press, 2015) which helps people to find their voice and their vocation. She is the co-creator of Women’s Convergence, Women’s Theology Hub, Collaborate, Forge PDX, Above Ground Ministries and The Bridge Church. She currently facilitates For the Sake of Clean which she and her husband started to help outdoor folks with their laundry and other basic needs. She leans into this ministry by providing executive coaching, vocational and image workshops and especially loves talking about Voice.
Deborah Koehn Loyd is a life/vocational coach, professor, speaker and writer who lives in Portland Oregon with her husband, Ken. She teaches at Warner Pacific University and Portland Seminary. Deborah wrote Your Vocational Credo (InterVarsity Press, 2015) which helps people to find their voice and their vocation. She is the co-creator of Women’s Convergence, Women’s Theology Hub, Collaborate, Forge PDX, Above Ground Ministries and The Bridge Church. She currently facilitates For the Sake of Clean which she and her husband started to help outdoor folks with their laundry and other basic needs. She leans into this ministry by providing executive coaching, vocational and image workshops and especially loves talking about Voice.
Deborah holds a B.A. in Bible and Business, an MA in Exegetical Theology and a DMin in Transformational Leadership in the Global City. She is a Certified Coach.
In her spare time she loves to paint, read and do Yoga. She has two daughters, a son, two granddaughters and two kitties.