Sitting on the Threshold of Experience
Feb 3
Chelsea Whipple

February has always held a unique charm for me. Winter still holds sway in the heart of the Midwest and other northern regions of the United States. Yet, as February arrives and the groundhog makes its annual prediction, a collective anticipation for spring begins to stir within us.
We look forward to the season of renewal when life springs forth and light begins to awaken from its slumber. Throughout this shortest month, we navigate through occasional cold snaps, celebrate love on Valentine’s Day, and cozy up in the warmth of our homes while waiting for nature's awakening, the thawing of the earth, and the vibrant return of life.
February 1st marks the feast day of St. Brigid (Brigit, Brighid, Bride) of Ireland. Her feast aligns with Imbolc, an ancient festival heralding the arrival of spring, a time when tribes welcomed new calves and the earth began its thaw in preparation for growth. This season of celebration brought people out of the long slumber of their homes and back into their community.
St. Brigid is a captivating figure, revered as a goddess and a Christian saint. Her legacy is woven throughout Ireland, with countless water wells and schools bearing her name. Her story beautifully illustrates the merging of Celtic spirituality with Christian belief. Legend has it that she was born at sunrise on February 1st to a slave mother and a chieftain father, right on the threshold of their home. This narrative embodies the liminal space of her existence—not fully winter or spring, neither free nor enslaved, not entirely in light or in darkness, not clearly inside or outside. What fascinates me most about her life is the notion of the threshold experience.
The threshold experience represents a liminal space where one exists in a state of transition, not wholly in one realm or the other. When standing at the threshold of a doorway, you are neither fully inside nor outside; you are simply present in that unique space. This concept resonates deeply with me during February. Rather than merely waiting for one season to give way to the next or for the sun to linger longer in the sky, I find myself fully engaged in the experience of the present moment.
What lessons enlighten my threshold experience? Drawing from Celtic spirituality, this liminal space is where the supernatural and the natural realm converge within each individual. It invites us to step forth and encounter the divine in our everyday lives. These ordinary moments can be sacred, as every interaction we share with others and with creation is an opportunity to touch the Divine countless times each day. In Celtic thought, heaven and earth intertwine, as do spirit and matter. Every space we inhabit is holy ground, and time itself becomes a manifestation of God’s love.
St. Brigid encourages us to create threshold rituals—like silent meditation or engaging with Scripture—that heighten our awareness of the divine presence in our midst.
Will you join me in embracing the threshold of the month? Instead of waiting for something to unfold, let’s cultivate a daily rhythm that honors the sacredness of our experiences. Take a moment to truly see a loved one, to listen intently to their words, or to savor each bite of a meal, relishing every flavor as it nourishes your body. Step outside and pause to inhale the crisp or warm air, notice how it travels within you, and embrace the stillness as the world stirs from its deep slumber.
I invite you to reflect on your own threshold experiences, those moments when you touch the delicate veil between the ordinary and the divine, and live fully in the realm of oneness.
We look forward to the season of renewal when life springs forth and light begins to awaken from its slumber. Throughout this shortest month, we navigate through occasional cold snaps, celebrate love on Valentine’s Day, and cozy up in the warmth of our homes while waiting for nature's awakening, the thawing of the earth, and the vibrant return of life.
February 1st marks the feast day of St. Brigid (Brigit, Brighid, Bride) of Ireland. Her feast aligns with Imbolc, an ancient festival heralding the arrival of spring, a time when tribes welcomed new calves and the earth began its thaw in preparation for growth. This season of celebration brought people out of the long slumber of their homes and back into their community.
St. Brigid is a captivating figure, revered as a goddess and a Christian saint. Her legacy is woven throughout Ireland, with countless water wells and schools bearing her name. Her story beautifully illustrates the merging of Celtic spirituality with Christian belief. Legend has it that she was born at sunrise on February 1st to a slave mother and a chieftain father, right on the threshold of their home. This narrative embodies the liminal space of her existence—not fully winter or spring, neither free nor enslaved, not entirely in light or in darkness, not clearly inside or outside. What fascinates me most about her life is the notion of the threshold experience.
The threshold experience represents a liminal space where one exists in a state of transition, not wholly in one realm or the other. When standing at the threshold of a doorway, you are neither fully inside nor outside; you are simply present in that unique space. This concept resonates deeply with me during February. Rather than merely waiting for one season to give way to the next or for the sun to linger longer in the sky, I find myself fully engaged in the experience of the present moment.
What lessons enlighten my threshold experience? Drawing from Celtic spirituality, this liminal space is where the supernatural and the natural realm converge within each individual. It invites us to step forth and encounter the divine in our everyday lives. These ordinary moments can be sacred, as every interaction we share with others and with creation is an opportunity to touch the Divine countless times each day. In Celtic thought, heaven and earth intertwine, as do spirit and matter. Every space we inhabit is holy ground, and time itself becomes a manifestation of God’s love.
St. Brigid encourages us to create threshold rituals—like silent meditation or engaging with Scripture—that heighten our awareness of the divine presence in our midst.
Will you join me in embracing the threshold of the month? Instead of waiting for something to unfold, let’s cultivate a daily rhythm that honors the sacredness of our experiences. Take a moment to truly see a loved one, to listen intently to their words, or to savor each bite of a meal, relishing every flavor as it nourishes your body. Step outside and pause to inhale the crisp or warm air, notice how it travels within you, and embrace the stillness as the world stirs from its deep slumber.
I invite you to reflect on your own threshold experiences, those moments when you touch the delicate veil between the ordinary and the divine, and live fully in the realm of oneness.

Chelsea Whipple
Chelsea Whipple, D.Min is a spiritual director, teacher, and retreat leader. Chelsea holds a Master of Arts from Bangor Theological Seminary and DMin from Fuller Theological Seminary. Her research project explores the Sacred Feminine and holistic healing.
Her passion lies in fostering connections, exploring the Sacred feminine, and guiding others on the path towards wholeness. Chelsea is known for her expertise in creation-centered theology and her commitment to spiritual growth and transformation. With a deep reverence for the journey of self-discovery, Chelsea's work is centered on cultivating a holistic approach to spirituality and personal development.
Chelsea Whipple, D.Min is a spiritual director, teacher, and retreat leader. Chelsea holds a Master of Arts from Bangor Theological Seminary and DMin from Fuller Theological Seminary. Her research project explores the Sacred Feminine and holistic healing.
Her passion lies in fostering connections, exploring the Sacred feminine, and guiding others on the path towards wholeness. Chelsea is known for her expertise in creation-centered theology and her commitment to spiritual growth and transformation. With a deep reverence for the journey of self-discovery, Chelsea's work is centered on cultivating a holistic approach to spirituality and personal development.